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Extended Day / Aftercare


Extended Day Registration Download Word


Extended Day Registration Download PDF

The Star Extended-Day School Program (SEDSP) is a safe, fun, stimulating, and nurturing environment for the care of Ivy Hawn Charter School of the Arts students. It is a self-supporting program, and participation is considered a privilege. Parents are responsible for keeping the school advised of any changes in the information submitted on the registration form.


Registration link for new families


Existing families:




SEDSP Changes- Registration will be taken on a first-come, first- serve basis. All paperwork, registration fee, and first-week payment are required for your child to be fully expected into the extended day program. The registration fee is non-refundable.


Before Care:

  • 6:30 -7:20 AM (please see the cafeteria for breakfast pricing if needed) Drop off for Before Care is behind the school at the door by the stairs. You will need to ring the bell to be let in.


Pick-up will take place in front of the school on the Elementary side. Please do not go to the back of the building for pick-up.


Students will not be released from there.


Weekly Fees - ALL FEES ARE TO BE PRE-PAID through Procare

  • SEDSP is a PRE-PAY program; therefore, all payments must be made in advance by Friday by 5:45 PM before the start of the attendance period.

  • Payments are made through the Procare app with Tuition Express. Tuition Express is a payment processing system that allows secure payments from your bank account or credit card. Parents are responsible for initiating payment before Friday at 5:45; if payment for the following week is not made by Friday at 5:45, then Procare will initiate payment.

  • The weekly fee for the Star Extended-Day School Program is as follows:











  • Aftercare offers a sibling discount! The first child per family will be charged $55.00 per week. Each child after that will be charged $45.00 per week.

  • The total fee will be charged regardless of how long the student stays each day or the number of days in attendance.

  • A registration fee of $50.00 will be charged per child. Your first payment will include the registration fee and the first week of tuition.

  • If your child is dropped off before 7:20 AM and is not registered, your child will be escorted to Before Care. You will be contacted and charged a drop-in fee of $6.00. If you want this program every day, you will need to pay an initial $25.00 registration fee. Weekly payments are $25.00 and are due Friday before the service. This means your first payment will include both the registration fee and the first week of tuition.

  • If a student's account becomes past due more than seven days, the parent/guardian must make other arrangements for before/after school care. You do not receive a weekly bill reminder. Please complete the scheduled payments each week on or before Friday at 5:45 PM.


  • SEDSP follows the Volusia County School Calendar (no school = no SEDSP).


Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

Drop-off for the before-care program will be behind the school at the set of double doors by the stairs. Please ring the buzzer, and a staff member will let you in. Aftercare pick-up will take place at the Elementary Front Lobby.

*Note: the last drop-off for before care is 7:15 AM. Drop-offs after that time will go through the main car line at the front of the school as buses will begin arriving at the rear drop-off point.


Late Payments Fee

A late payment fee of $5.00 per child is charged when tuition is not paid on or before the Friday of the week before the service period. The late payment fee must be paid within two days of receiving written notification. Outstanding balances must be paid in full before the next service period due date. Nonpayment will result in the removal of the child from the program.


Late Pick Up Fees

A late pick-up fee of $10.00 per child for the first 15 minutes after 5:45 PM will be charged to individuals who are late picking up their child (ren). A $1 per minute per child fee will be assessed for every additional minute. Payments must be made before the student re-enters the program. More than three late pick-ups per month may result in the child (ren) being dismissed from the program. The Star Extended-Day School Program will try to contact the parent/guardian or other authorized individual if a child needs to be picked up by closing time. If the parent/guardian is more than 30 minutes late without contacting the SEDSP Facilitator, then the school Principal will be notified, and law enforcement officers may be called.


Behavior Expectations and Dismissal Procedures

The exact behavior expectations apply in SEDSP as during the regular school day. All policies in the student handbook apply to SEDSP. Inappropriate behavior may result in a student's suspension or withdrawal from the program.

  •  If an emergency threatens a student's welfare, a school official will contact the Lake Helen Police Department to ensure the safety and security of all students in SEDSP. Late pick-ups from SEDSP may be considered an emergency.

  •  If school closes for inclement weather or any reason, SEDSP will also be closed.

  •  For the protection of your student, only people designated on the registration form will be allowed to pick up a

student. Identification will be required.



Students will be suspended or withdrawn from SEDSP for the following reasons.


  • Three late pick-ups

  • Nonpayment or late payment of tuition and fees

  • Disciplines problems (Three Strikes You Are Out)

  • Principal Discretion









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